Now that your project has been approved by Kickstarter, it’s time to set up your “Preview Page” and “Pre-Launch” Page”
You’re getting closer to your launch day and can now start taking advantage of some key Kickstarter tools that will help you get feedback and continue to build hype. Promotion will be very important from this point forward, and you’ll want to use all the tools available to reach your funding goal as soon as possible.
What is a Kickstarter “Preview Page”?
This is a sharable preview page showing your full project as it will appear once you go live. This includes everything from your campaign video to your reward tiers. This is a page you’ll want to share with your team, close collaborators, and anyone else you’d like to collect feedback from before you launch. Anyone with access to this page can also opt-in to receive a notification once your project goes live. Do not share this page with everyone, and when you do share it, make sure you are asking for specific feedback.
What is a “Pre-Launch Page”?
Once Kickstarter approves your project, you can craft your “Pre-Launch Page.” This is a public-facing page that gives you the opportunity to tease your upcoming launch and allow viewers to be notified when you launch. Think of it as a simple bookmark page where you can gauge interest and easily alert people that may not be on your email list when you launch. This is NOT a replacement for your landing page, and you will NOT get any information from people that follow you here. Always, always, always make collecting emails your #1 marketing activity before you launch.
Elements on the “Pre-Launch Page”
This page is very simplistic, and you only have a limited amount of space to share what your project will look like. The following are the elements that will populate this page:
- Project Title: Make sure your final project name is decided.
- Project Creator Name and Logo: Consider changing your Kickstarter logo to something consistent with your other outlets (social media, etc.) Collaborators are not listed on this page.
- Project Tagline: One sentence that explains your project. People should know exactly what your project is raising funds for. This is not the place to be mysterious or vague. Keep it nice and simple.
- Project Image: Arguably the most important element here. Make sure it properly reflects your project, is easy to read when scaled down, and has as little text as possible. Remember, when people share this page with others via social media, this is the image that will be displayed.
- Region and Category: Your identified region and project category will be displayed. Double-check your project category as it will be how people discover you within Kickstarter.
An email marketing tool used to harness the power of your existing audience, whether it be past backers from a crowdfunding campaign and/or your email list. Get backers to pledge to your project early and get crucial insights into conversions. Now is the time to get strategic with your promotional and messaging strategy. Be sure to use BackerKit Launch templates and best practices to get the most out of your community.
You can filter your Kickstarter searches by “Upcoming Projects” and study what other folks have done with their “pre-launch page”.
Setting Up Your Pre-Launch PageA simple how-to for those ready to build the pre-launch page now.
Kickstarter’s Pre-Launch page best practicesLearn how top crowdfunding creators in tabletop are using BackerKit to unlock the full potential of Kickstarter’s Pre-Launch Page.
Now that you’ve set up your Preview and Pre-Launch pages, you should create your campaign promotion strategy.
Are You Ready to Launch?
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