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Go Words is a standard deck of cards, only with letters instead of numbers. You can play so many games, including Word Hold-Em (like Texas Hold 'Em) , Go Words (like Go Fish), Word Scramble (like WordScapes), Cross Words (like Scrabble), Word Spit, adult drinking games, and many many more! You can play any of these games with themes and if all else fails these can be used as flashcards for little ones. The cards have points on them so you can also use them to keep score.
This is the easiest deck of cards to pick up and begin playing without having to explain rules over and over.
These playing cards should act as an equivalent to a "standard playing deck", only with letters. 26 red letter cards (A-Z), 26 black letter cards (A-Z), and 2 blank letter cards (red and black). There are no rules included, which means you can use these cards for a number of games that already exist with a standard deck of cards. Some of those games include Go Words (Go Fish Alternative with Words), Word Hold 'Em, and many many more! See below for example games to see just some of the possibilities. Think of every game you can play with a standard deck of imagine a way to play those games where you are building words. The possibilities are endless.
When you purchase a pack, please use #GOWORDS on social media and share your favorite game to play (real or made up).
It's everything parents have asked for - Easy games with Easy rules. Oh, and it's educational too!
Although the possibilities are endless, here are just some of the games you can play with Go Words cards:
Like "Go Fish" only you are building words.
Like Scrabble without the board.
Go Words in Action :)
I tested the prototypes with friends and family. I also sent some of the prototype decks out to some other people to test the usability. I made some small tweaks based on their feedback and now I'm super happy with the design.