Hello hello, fine and fabulous backers to Paradise Lust!
We took the weekend to rest and revel in our funding success; thank you to everyone who backed this campaign and helped close us out at a wonderful $26,281.06!
No matter if this is your first time backing a Book of Shadows book or you're a return from Buffomet, we're thrilled to have you along for the ride with us as we dive into this phase of bookmaking. We know Paradise Lust is gonna knock some socks off, so here's to our production going smoothly as possible!
Before we get into timeline discussion, we do ask that you ensure your payment methods are updated and/or accurate. We currently have about 25 pledges that have stalled and/or are not charged, and you have until November 30th/December 1st to update these methods before your pledge is dropped completely and you lose your ability to claim your rewards!
Now, onto the fun stuff: production!
Our prospective schedule is as follows:Â
December: prepress/final design production of the book, as well as campaign swag production. Since we'll receive our Backerkit funds around the first half of December, this'll be the stage in which we ensure our files are submitted correctly and the rest of Paradise Lust's interior design is wrapped up. Our campaign swag is also very nearly ready for production (save for some final artwork touchups and formatting for each items' appropriate manufacturers), so expect to see some hopeful proofing news around the latter half of December (and maybe even some physical reward photos)! This is also when we'll be sending out the survey to take down how you'd like your name to be listed in the Special Thanks section of the book, so please be on the lookout for that backer-only update for a link to the exclusive survey!
January: book printing/physical production! For as many copies as we're getting, it'll take about three weeks for the books to be printed, bound, and packaged to get ready for their overseas shipment. Not a whole lot happening during this time, but we hope to have them on a boat before February begins.
February: set sail for Washington! This month will mostly be transportation of the books from our printer overseas to our fulfillment partners White Squirrel. It takes usually around 3-4 weeks for books to land, depending on dock traffic, and then there's always a possible wait to see how long it'll take to get shipped from port to the PNW itself. This is also most likely when we'll begin releasing fulfillment surveys and charging for shipping, so be on the lookout for those emails!
Middle/late March and April: fulfillment (hopefully) begins! While White Squirrel might receive items later than expected depending on shipping scheduling and reward tier organization, this is when we hope to see packages being sent out from White Squirrel!Â
That's all we have for now! We'll keep you posted if anything should arise or if shifts happen to our schedules, but for now kick back, relax, and know that you helped fund an amazing book and made sure some amazing artists are paid by a congregation of crowdfunding.