I'm here with the Backer/Patreon Black Friday Sale, as well as a survey update.Â
The Backer/Patron black Friday sale starts today and goes through November 30th. You can use the code BLKFRIDAY40 on Etsy for 40% off all items (excluding ornaments, but they're still marked down). This code can also be used more than once. https://thesnarkycompany.etsy.com?coupon=BLKFRIDAY40
Survey Update
My origianl plan was to send out surveys this week, however, I'm pushing that to next week. I recently had some samples come in, and now that I've seen them I want to make updates within the surveys. It's also a holiday week here in the US and often were less likely to check email during those times. I don't want anyones survey to get lost in the slew of emails and days off this week.Â
Hey everyone! Exciting news, we have some sample pictures! I’m so happy with the way they turned out and I can’t wait to hopefully get the rest made!! we are only $200 away from the funding goal, so fingers crossed!! Again, any shares or donations are so appreciated!!
With manufacturing support from Zap creative I have been able to produce four of the Yuka doll pins for you to get a sneak peek at. I am impressed with the quality, vibrant colours and resin treatment given to each of the metal pins, so with this I am happy for when the project ends and funds are collected to place a larger order ready for dispatch next year. Â
It's been a couple weeks since the end of the campaign, so I wanted to let everyone know what's been happening! We're getting everything into the pledge manager in order to send out the backer surveys. Expect to receive your survey around the 20th!
While preparing for surveys we realized we liked how the sticker designs looked so much with grey outlines that we are now offering the collection in your choice of metal: gold or gunmetal. This choice will be reflected in the upcoming surveys.
What else is going on? Two big pre-production milestones have already been completed:
All stretch goal designs have been sent to the manufacturer. We're now awaiting proofs of these designs.
The printed zine will be A6 (4.1 x 5.8 in). This fits our packaging without increasing anyone's shipping cost. We anticipate a length of 20-28 pages.
Since you helped us unlock so many designs, we received a question about whether or not all the pins will fit on the display. Here's a mockup showing what it could look like. It's a little tight, but we think it still works! Thanks again to Carly K for designing the amazing double-sided display for this collection.
More updates to come! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to comment or reach out.
I am currently still working on the surveys, and plan to launch them next week. Last week I was very sick with the flu, and while I was able to do computer work and work on the surveys, it still put me behind by a few days. Once I drop the surveys next week I will send out another detail with all information on filling out and submitting surveys.Â
Add-Ons The surveys typically contain add-ons which are optional. The surveys add-ons typically include items you didn't see during the campaign, such as stickers, keychains, other snarky co. pins, locking pin backs, and accessories. The attached poll is to see what add-on items you typically prefer. If there is a specific design you'd like to see as a sticker, keychain, or other item, please leave a comment below.Â
Hello again! The smoke test has now been sent out, which is a preliminary batch of surveys sent out to a percentage of backers to make sure everything is accounted for and set up.
Additionally, looking at the current state of the poll (2 to 19 votes), I think it's safe to say the floral version of the Vampiric Visage pin is the one that will be headed into production!
I have just posted a poll for all of the pup families for you to vote for your favourite in each one! Please answer these polls asap so I can get the most accurate information for which pins to get manufactured! thank you!
With numbers of followers starting to treacle in I can only thank those who have signed up to this project ready for launch day so far. I ask if you have the time avaible to keep spreading the word as more people joining this project will open up more freebies for those backing the higher tiers and allow more funding to be invested in to expanding this universe further for everyone to enjoy.Â