Now that you’ve established your communities, it’s time to attend conventions and events to share your game and meet new people.
While everyone’s safety and health are top priorities, we acknowledge that the absence of in-person events and conventions has dramatically impacted the progress of game development and community-building. That said, we have to make the best of the situation and use alternative methods when needed to simulate the value of in-person events. Some of these priceless values include:
- Networking with other creators, companies, and influencers
- Supporting other creators with the same goals as you
- Playtesting your game with people you don’t know for feedback
- Building your email list via playtesting and physical swag
- Creating content to share with your audience
That said, in the absence of in-person cons, there are a lot of folks getting creative out there and discovering new ways to digitally connect and push their games forward.
Tabletop Games Conventions
Be sure to keep an eye on some of our favorite cons to learn about what types of events they are hosting both in-person and digitally.
Digital meetup groups (join or make your own)
While the above list features the major annual conventions, there may be more local events near you that can have a lot of value. Spend some time researching your area and see what’s out there. Start with shops that sell tabletop games and see if they have a game night or would be willing to share flyers promoting your upcoming game. Next, check out places like Meetup and Facebook to see if any events are going on near you to attend. The worst-case scenario is that there just aren’t any in your area. In that case, take it upon yourself to organize one. You may be surprised by how many folks attend.
If you live near or are visiting the California Bay Area, BackerKit hosts a monthly game night where creators are encouraged to playtest their prototype and get feedback. We look forward to bringing this event back soon.
Game designer Jamey Stegmaier from Stonemaier Games (Scythe, WIngspan) discusses the current state of the games industry, and shares best practices for those designing and playtesting games.
Playtest GroupsCardboard Edison has compiled a list of online and local playlets groups, along with their Discord or website links.
BackerKit Tabletop Game Night (San Francisco) *The in-person event is on pause through 2021
If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, you should attend our monthly game night where game designers test their prototypes, network, and meet potential backers who are there just to play games and give feedback.
Now that you’ve attended some conventions and events, you should create your first working physical prototype.
Are You Ready to Launch?
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